Daily Schedule

Let's be up front: I don't have any strictness to any of this. I make very few plans, hold no precise hours, I barely even look at the time most of the day and just do stuff as I feel like it / it comes up.

But my normal pattern seems to be roughly:




Wake up, stay in bed

Read books, twitter, catch up mastodon, general RSS feed news



Wander down and grab a quick snack / power shake


At my desk, turn on computer

Do projects like this, writing, reading blogs, etc


Start working on real client work


Natural end to working productivity. I get about 6 solid hours a day

Shut down PC, wander downstairs, make lunch

Since a podcast was probably playing while lunching, finish on couch


Do sudokus while on couch with podcasts


I'm just going to rest my eyes...


Wake up from nap

Maybe more sudoku or read or something

Browse internet on laptop, maybe go get groceries


Go to the gym, get groceries on way home


This is the time I wish I had more of a hobby that wasn't computer based


Getting ready for bed and sleeping

So I usually get about 8 hours a night OR 6-7 + nap which seems to work out similarly, although I think a 30 minute nap is worth about an hour+ of sleep.

The gym time is either in the evening before the close and it's quiet, or sometimes in the morning when it's quiet and everyone is at work. The parking gets a little tricky in the day though because the hospital itself is using it for... hospital things and there's a lot of construction in surrounding neighborhoods as they're building like crazy down there right now.

I tend to do 4-6 really good hours of work per day, and maybe a few more if it's really demanded of me, or I put off emails and non-brain work to other computer time hours in the afternoon / morning.

Doing 40 hour weeks is my version of a sprint.

I don't have an alarm clock, haven't in years - when I was a kid I had a paper route and I think that just built getting up early into me or something. I don't know why. I just wake up early, always have.

My most brain-productive hours are between 06:00 and 11:00 so of course I schedule work during those.

On the whole my afternoon / evenings are pretty breezy. I've been gearing up to do more hobby work / experimenting to have something enjoyable to do in those hours that aren't client work.

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